Predator Control and COVID-19

Minimising the spread of COVID-19 is our top priority. Although the work being carried out by Predator Free Dunedin and its delivery partners is important, we are strictly following the guidelines and regulations being set out by the government, to keep our community safe.

Together with our delivery partners, we have agreed on the following approach to safely deliver predator control and support volunteer work.

Installing and checking traps in backyards and on private land

Staff and volunteers can engage with new and exisiting households and landowners to support backyard trapping eforts. This includes installing new traps and maintaining those already installed. Staff will:

  • Ask to see your My Vaccine Pass at the time of their visit.

  • Confirm you are not symptomatic and have not recently tested positive for COVID-19 or been a household contact.

  • Wear a face mask.

  • Enter your address into the COVID-19 Tracer App.

  • Ensure physical distancing of 2 metres at all times.

If you are not able to provide your My Vaccine Pass, additional measures will be put into place to ensure the safety of our staff and volunteers.

If our staff or volunteers feel unsafe at any point, the visit will be stopped immediately.

Trapping on public land

We recommend you check in with the delivery partner or project responsible for the trap line you are checking.

If you are working on a trap line with people from outside your bubble, please maintain physical distancing (2 metres). If this is not possible, you must wear a mask.

·       City Sanctuary (

·       Halo Project (

·       Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group (

To ensure the health and safety of our volunteers, Predator Free Dunedin and its delivery partners prefer that traps are only checked if you can do so safely and meet all health and safety requirements (i.e. you have completed an induction and/or training on how to service a trap line and have access to personal protective equipment). Landowner permission is also required to proceed.


Verger’s Cottage will be open but all visitors must provide their My Vaccine Pass and scan in using the COVID-19 Tracer App.   

Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group’s Biodiversity Hub will be open but all visitors must provide their My Vaccine Pass and scan in using the COVID-19 Tracer App.   


All volunteer activities that involve meeting face-to-face with people from outside your bubble may proceed.

All volunteers must physically distance (2 metres). If this is not possible, you must wear a mask. A record must be kept of who has attended to ensure contact tracing.

Events and workshops

Some events and workshop may proceed.

All attendees must provide their My Vaccine Pass, wear a face mask and physically distance when indoors.

No more than 100 people may be in a defined space at any time based on 1-metre physical distancing. A record must be kept of who has attended to ensure contact tracing.