The Predator Free Dunedin Trust is the governance body for our work.
The initial primary goal of the Trust is to administer a grant from Predator Free 2050 Limited and other core funders including Otago Regional Council and Dunedin City Council. However, its long-term vision is to achieve a predator free state in the city and rural landscape through local community support and involvement.

The Predator Free Dunedin Trust promotes the conservation, preservation and protection of New Zealand’s native species to enrich our environment and our communities. We advance the long-term goal of eradicating introduced predators, such as possums, mustelids and rodents from Aotearoa.
Trustees are elected by our member organisations to provide strategic oversight and advice to ensure the project’s goals and milestones are being met effectively.
Sally Peart
Sally is a commercial and intellectual property lawyer with Marks and Worth. Having lived on the Otago Peninsula with her family for the past 20 years, she is excited to be involved with the vision for a Predator Free Dunedin and New Zealand by 2050.
Hoani Langsbury
Hoani is an ecologist, recognised and respected conservationist, and community leader. He is Chair of the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group, The Dunedin Wildlife Trust (Wild Dunedin), Trustee Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust and active Kaitiaki.
Kent Chalmers
Kent grew up on the Otago Peninsula and lives in the Orokounui Halo area. He is a Board member of Orokonui Ecosanctuary and a trustee of Endeavour Inlet Conservation Trust in Marlborough. Kent is a manager with City Forests in Dunedin and is a past executive member of the NZ Institute of Forestry.
Mark Hanger
Active in conservation for 40 years, Mark is current national president of Forest & Bird, board member since 2010, and committee member of the Dunedin branch since 1990. He is a founding member of the Orokonui Ecosanctuary and director and owner of natural history tour company, Nature Quest New Zealand Ltd.
Matt Harcombe
Currently working as a Sustainability Advisor for Silver Fern Farms, Matt has over 20 years’ experience in natural resource management, previously serving in Government working groups in technical, advisory and governance roles. He has also previously served as a founding trustee and six years with the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group and spent seven years on the Macandrew Bay School Board of Trustees.
Steve Walker
Steve is a second-term Dunedin City Councillor, Justice of the Peace and Resource Management Commissioner. He has been involved with the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital since its inception and remains as a current Board member. Steve is also a keen cyclist and keeps up a connection to his favourite place in New Zealand, Orokonui Ecosanctuary by running from the top to the bottom of the sanctuary with his wife on most weekends!