Predator Free Dunedin

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City Sanctuary

City Sanctuary is creating a sanctuary in our city for native wildlife to flourish.

City Sanctuary is a Predator Free Dunedin project working to reduce possums, rats and stoats in our city.

Imagine hearing the playful cries of kākā in your garden or being awakened by a rich chorus of birdsong. This is part of the vision to see our city become a sanctuary where native wildlife and people flourish together. Dunedin already has some of the best urban wildlife in the country, but our precious native birds, lizards and plants are threatened by introduced predators.

As the city branch of Predator Free Dunedin, we are helping residents across Dunedin suburbs get involved in backyard trapping by providing traps, training, and support. In parks and public reserves, we are leading predator control with a network of hundreds of traps targeting possums, rats and mustelids like stoats, ferrets, and weasels.

Get involved

There are lots of ways to join the City Sanctuary movement. From hosting a backyard trap, to volunteering in your local reserve. Check out their website for more information.

Key native species: Kererū, pīwakawaka, kārearea/falcon, titīpounamu/rifleman, tūī, korimako/bellbird

Target predator(s): Rats, mustelids, possums

