Predator Free Dunedin

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Jinty MacTavish to step down as Chair.

Following the arrival of her first child in March, Predator Free Dunedin Chair Jinty MacTavish has signalled her intention to step down  at the next Annual General Meeting.

“I have really enjoyed working with trustees, staff, and the wider Predator Free Dunedin community, and I’m sorry to be stepping down earlier than the full three-year term. But with all the incredible mahi happening, and with such a large network of groups and people to keep connected, it’s clear the role is larger than I can balance with the needs of my family at this time.”

“Watching the evolution of Predator Free Dunedin over the last year and a half has been a joy. It’s abundantly clear that the delivery partners give their all for the project on the ground and I am immensely proud of what has been achieved by the staff, governance groups and volunteers. The model that Predator Free Dunedin is following and its outcomes to date are all highly regarded nationally. Our work around the Trust table has foucused on backing that up by strengthening governance of the big picture — the project as a whole.”

“It has been a busy time! The engagement we undertook with members and partners at the end of 2020 to gauge support for an expansion of our work  was a huge effort for all involved — and under significant time pressure. But it will be worth it, ultimately enabling us to refine our plans for expansion with a clear mandate from our community. ”

“Another significant step was working with Delivery Partners on a clear reporting framework. This enables Predator Free Dunedin to be more responsive to the needs of its delivery partners  and translates into better reporting to our key funders, including Predator Free 2050 Limited. ”

“We have also worked hard to strengthen and deepen financial reporting and budgeting within Predator Free Dunedin, allowing us to track progress with confidence, and plan ahead with greater accuracy.”

“Predator Free Dunedin is in very good heart, and it’s an exciting time for the project. I feel it is a good time for a new independent chair to take the helm. I look forward to continuing to support the project in whatever capacity I am able to.”

Over the next few weeks, the Trust will be calling for Expressions of Interest for a new Independent Chair to lead the governance and delivery of its work. For more information, or to submit an application, click here.