Backyard trapping in West Harbour

With bird breeding season upon us, Halo staff and volunteers have been setting up traps as fast as they can. Many residents of Roseneath in West Harbour, who recently received Halo’s free pest detection kits through their letterboxes, have found possums and rats visiting their backyards.

Roughly 60 possum traps are now operating across Roseneath and around the shoreline where their presence is clear (chewed chew cards, poo, scratched-up tree trunks and …more poo).


The low scrubby vegetation and tall trees around the Roseneath’s perimeter are their refuge, and the flowering and fruiting trees in the suburb’s leafy gardens are their feeding grounds.

But it’s not just the predators that people have been noticing lately. Residents are reporting a wider range of birdlife in their gardens and surrounds, leading to increasing interest and support for possum and rat trapping.

As the Halo team works their way up the harbour towards Burkes, they provide training and ongoing support for everyone who wants to be involved checking, clearing and resetting traps in their backyards and in parks and reserves.


Kei Hea Ngā Kākā?


Low-cost fencing as a possum barrier–not a cost barrier