Kei Hea Ngā Kākā?

Launched in October, Kei Hea Ngā Kākā? is a citizen science project initiated by Orokonui Ecosanctuary to learn more about where kākā are going, what they are doing and whether they are safe.


We can all help by reporting all kākā observations (seen or heard) on Orokonui’s Kaka Database, and tell your friends and neighbours to do the same.

The purpose is to understand where they go, what they do and understand the risks to kaka. The more observations the better, and the more everyone can learn about this amazing species. Take a look for yourself–you’re bound to find something interesting, like a recent report of kaka in Port Chalmers! There are already more than 100 observations you can view. Also, see


Annual Report 2020 and AGM


Backyard trapping in West Harbour