Latest news
Seed funding provides opportunity for expansion
Predator Free Dunedin has received seed funding from Predator Free 2050 to scope an expansion that would accelerate predator control across Dunedin. It comes as part of the government’s Covid-19 recovery fund to create jobs and improve outcomes for biodiversity.
New Trap Trials for the Halo Project
Predator Free Dunedin and the Halo Project are trialing an innovative new trap to create a permanent control network for possums.
Predator Free Dunedin on the Peninsula
The team from Predator Free Dunedin recently spent a day with staff and volunteers from the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group to encourage conversation, share learnings from different parts of the project and get to know one another.
Do students have rats in their flats?
City Sanctuary was at Tent City during Orientation Week to find out if students have rats in their flats.
Haere mai, welcome to our new trustees
The Predator Free Dunedin Trust welcomes Gareth Hughes and Jordana Whyte as its newest trustees.
Annual Report 2020 and AGM
The work of hundreds of volunteers and Predator Free Dunedin’s 22 member organisations has produced impressive results this year. We celebrated their success in our annual report, launched at our annual general meeting in November.